City stories
Hotels and destinations
A taste of Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
You can expect just about anything from a city capable of exporting the best chocolate in the world and home to world-famous Brussel sprouts. The Belgian capital is a city of contrasts that will always leave you with a good taste in your mouth
Be a txikitero, my friend
Bilbao, Spain

In Bilbao there are not residents, there are txikiteros. Txikiteros are names given to those who drink txikitos, small glasses of wine served in the bars.


Visit our hotel in the city

From Madrid to heaven (or so they say)
Madrid, Spain
One of Madrid's most popular sayings is that there's only one hard to visit the latter, let's begin with the former.
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Culture and art
A stroll through Molenbeek, the capital’s most modern neighbourhood
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Unmissable visits
Unmissable visits
Buffet Breakfast
Before starting the adventure, it is necessary to gather strength
Buffet Breakfast

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we're not one to contradict that. That's why we go a little overboard with the breakfasts. All our hostels have buffet breakfast with everything you can think of and with options for everyone. Check prices and schedules at our reception and do not miss this feast.


On the top floor of our beautiful building we find the Xoko where we serve the best breakfast buffet in town. With sweets of all kinds, cold meats and of course the best coffee, with options for everyone.


Freshly baked croissants, a variety of cheeses, juicy seasonal fruits, local delicacies and a coffee station that will satisfy even the most demanding palate.


We are waiting for you in our restaurant Café, enjoy a huge variety of the best products. Freshly made hummus, homemade toast, pastries of all kinds and fresh products.
