City stories
Hotels and destinations
A taste of Brussels
Brussels, Belgium
You can expect just about anything from a city capable of exporting the best chocolate in the world and home to world-famous Brussel sprouts. The Belgian capital is a city of contrasts that will always leave you with a good taste in your mouth
Be a txikitero, my friend
Bilbao, Spain

In Bilbao there are not residents, there are txikiteros. Txikiteros are names given to those who drink txikitos, small glasses of wine served in the bars.


Visit our hotel in the city

From Madrid to heaven (or so they say)
Madrid, Spain
One of Madrid's most popular sayings is that there's only one hard to visit the latter, let's begin with the former.
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When in Rome: history of the marianito
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Unmissable visits
Unmissable visits
Un titular descriptivo para el seo

Donec gravida fringilla nulla vel molestie. Mauris euismod efficitur massa, ac blandit nulla lobortis vitae. Praesent porta tempus lacus, id ultricies mauris efficitur eget. Quisque tincidunt et purus sit amet tristique. Donec pharetra tortor pellentesque diam vehicula, et vulputate justo rutrum. Sed id viverra leo. Donec enim lectus, ullamcorper a molestie non, cursus et tortor. Aliquam ipsum nisl donec pharetra tortor ultricies mauris…

Donec gravida fringilla nulla vel molestie. Mauris euismod efficitur massa, ac blandit nulla lobortis vitae. Praesent porta tempus lacus, id ultricies mauris efficitur eget. Quisque tincidunt et purus sit amet tristique. Donec pharetra tortor pellentesque diam vehicula, et vulputate justo rutrum. Sed id viverra leo. Donec enim lectus, ullamcorper a molestie non, cursus et tortor. Aliquam ipsum nisl donec pharetra tortor ultricies mauris…

15% discount this summer in Brussels
Brussels, Belgium

Say goodbye to the cold of Brussels winter and take advantage of a 15% discount on all our rooms for stays in July, August and September.
